Deck The Halls |
forsee a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year
Two Of Cups The Tarot card for the Two of Cups uses the symbol of a man and a woman making a pledge of affection. They hold out to each other cups filled with the good things in life. They are usually portrayed as young, symbolizing the beginnings of these things in our lives. But how beautiful it is to see the pledge fulfilled, the love grown to fruition, the bond stronger than ever. We have chosen Santa and Mrs. Claus to represent the eternal renewal of the true promise, and to remind us that new beginnings are always available, even to those with an ancient bond. This card also represents harmony, reciprocity, the balance of ideas with a true friend as a partner, the renewal of friendship and love. We wish you all this and more as we hold out the cup of our love to you all in this season of joy and new beginnings. |
The Halls ©Gryphonsmith
Graphyx 1986 |