Hang A Shining Star Upon The Highest Bough

He maungarongo ki te whenua He whakaaro pai ki nga tangata katoa
Peace on earth, Goodwill to all mankind

Let Your Hearts Be Light

In Tolkien’s Arda, celestial light comes from the very heart of nature. The stars, which shone alone in Middle Earth, received their sharp, swift light from the love of light that dwelled in the Ainu Spirit Varda. The Sun and the Moon came into being from the two great Trees of Light that Yavanna called forth from the light of the world with the love of nature that dwelled in her heart.

Yavanna sang them into being, as the world had once been called forth through song. They rose to the sound of her voice, and awoke, and so began the days when the darkness held no power.

Telperion had leaves of dark green that shone like silver underneath, and his soft light fell like dew and danced over the land. Laurelin had light green leaves, like the first tender shoot of the beech, but edged in gold that glittered in the breeze. Her flowers spilled light like a golden rain.

Their light marked the days of untouched joy, and gave the world both light and the first concepts of time. Later, in a much sadder story, they gave their fruit and flower to create the Sun and the Moon.

It is unusual to find the nurturing forces - sun, moon, stars and nature, all growing from the feminine. We think that Yavanna’s husband, Aulë the Smith, probably took one look at a Tree full of Light and went home to make the first Christmas Ornaments. They will be beautiful, we are sure -

But for now, let the Ainu ladies offer you a promise and a pledge, sweet stars, trees of light and birdsong in the morning. Reject all thoughts of a Heart of Darkness. And let your Heart be Light.

Tree Of Swords and Jewels © Gryphonsmith Graphyx 2003

Thanks to Tolkien, who turned Tay into a fileg, and to Toby who tracked down the translation from the Maori.

Words and Music by Jim and Tay with Frostbite & Piglet

At this holiday time, we wish you all the Joy and Light of the season, every season in turn. Whether you are into hibernation or celebration, in your heart, as in the heart of the wheat, enjoy the fruitfulness of the past and nurture the kernel that is the promise of the future. May your Dreams be as Bright as the Northern Lights and your Hearts as Warm as Live Arctic Fur. We wish you the Brightest of New Years– Safe Haven, Snug Harbour and Always the Welcome of a Loving Heart. As winter dances over the land, remember that you always have a warm, safe nest in our hearts.

click here to see the story of the trees


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