Home By Morning

Whatever the Valar intend me to do
There’s naught with the power to keep me from you
Whatever I grieve for, whatever I rue
There’s naught with the power to keep me from you

No giant spider, no bodiless rider,
no terror by fire that crosses the land
no dark, no bright, no perilous fight
can come between us when I reach for your hand

I stand on the line when the shadow creeps in
But I will be with you before day begins
We harry the dark and we weep for our sins
But I will be with you before day begins

No orcs that creep, no nightmare sleep
No fathomless deep, no wizard’s scheme
No endless hour can raise the power
To keep us apart when you’re in my dreams

A hand on a swordhilt, a hand on a bow
A kiss that consoles me wherever I go
One more day of fighting, one more day of woe
A kiss that consoles me wherever I go

No black spell singers, no death that lingers,
No icy fingers that reach for the soul
No hiss, no bark, no wings in the dark
Can touch my heart when you keep me whole

No time, no chance, no circumstance
No wave that carries me over the foam
No winter’s breath, no fear, no death
Can keep my heart from coming home

Whatever the Valar intend me to do
There’s naught with the power to keep me from you
Whatever I long for, whatever I rue
There’s naught with the power to keep me from you
There’s naught with the power to keep me from you...


A love poem from the heart of war and a Nursery Rhyme to scare the daylights out of the little ones when you tuck them in.

I wrote this as a sort of mantra, a promise and a focus as we struggle to reach home.
I see it as an exchange between a soldier / ranger and the one who waited for him, (perhaps fighting on elsewhere.) There are some lovers who cannot be separated by little things like time and space, especially if they can meet in their dreams. But I think it also works for friends, or brothers, or anyone who is separated from their heart and longs to come home. Later it evolved into a promise made to a little one that no matter what, you will, indeed, still be there in the morning.

The phrase that made me write this song came to me while writing feedback for a throttler of a story by Avon, called Colours Of The Forest.

This was written for the Nursery Rhyme and the How Do I Love Thee challenges at Henneth Annun.


This is a work of fan fiction, written because the author has an abiding love for the works of J R R Tolkien. The characters, settings, places, and languages used in this work are the property of the Tolkien Estate, Tolkien Enterprises, and possibly New Line Cinema, except for certain original characters who belong to the author of the said work. The author will not receive any money or other remuneration for presenting the work on this archive site. The work is the intellectual property of the author, is available solely for private enjoyment, and may not be copied or redistributed by any means without the explicit written consent of the author

april 2003
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