of Love |
This is a Rondeau to Denethor of Gondor from his soon-to-be wife Finduilas - meant to be from the time when they were courting. It was written for the How Do I Love Thee challenge at Henneth Annun where you can find my work under the name fileg. This is a
very very speculative piece, written to explore alternate views. I could
find no real information about Finduilas, except that she was young. But
she was the daughter of Knights, and I imagine she may have had some very
specific desires of her own. I do not mean it to deal only with the physical
- when she says she is accomplished in the art, she means the art of Love
- in all it's guises. |
This is a work of fan fiction, written because the author has an abiding love for the works of J R R Tolkien. The characters, settings, places, and languages used in this work are the property of the Tolkien Estate, Tolkien Enterprises, and possibly New Line Cinema, except for certain original characters who belong to the author of the said work. The author will not receive any money or other remuneration for presenting the work on this archive site. The work is the intellectual property of the author, is available solely for private enjoyment, and may not be copied or redistributed by any means without the explicit written consent of the author. |
April 2003 | |||||
scribbles | henneth annun | write to me |